20 Inexplicably Bizarre And WTF Stories From People Who Just Had A Very, Very Strange Day

The world can be many things — and one of them is bizarre. Sometimes, strange and random things happen that you can't really find an explanation for, and these stories from members of the BuzzFeed Community show it. Here are some of the most bizarre, WTF stories that might either have you genuinely puzzled or chuckling under your breath:

1."There's a Dollar Store in my neighborhood that always seems to attract a lot of oddballs in the evenings. My husband and I call it 'Dollar Store After Dark.' Last week, I saw a woman pushing around two ferrets in a baby stroller."

Two ferrets standing in a stroller with their front paws on the side, titled "My babies love their stroller time!" from Reddit user rferrrets with 137k members


u/foopa_ / Via reddit.com

2."One time, I was walking home at around 10 or 11 p.m. when a fox walked across the road in front of me (normal for London) and ran into someone's front garden. I stopped in front of their driveway and peered into the garden to look at the fox, and I noticed a man dressed in all black lying on the soil (awake) between the fence and the bushes. I immediately ran as fast as possible and called the police to give them the house's address. I don't know what happened, but there's no good reason for a man hiding in someone's front garden late at night."


3."There's a house in my neighborhood that has a potbelly pig for a pet. The first time I saw it was while driving by — I had to do a double-take. The full-grown pig was grazing in the front yard, just chillin'."

Boba and Mochi, two serama chickens, are perched on top of a resting potbelly pig named Poppy on a wooden deck

4."About two months ago, I was looking out my bedroom window on a perfectly clear night. I looked across the street at some tall trees and noticed a small, circular object about three feet in circumference with colored lights alternating on and off above one of the trees. It hovered there for about three minutes and then slowly moved toward my apartment. It made NO noise, so it couldn't have been an airplane or helicopter. I didn't think it was a drone either because I'd never seen a drone that didn't make much noise or had colored lights. It's a mystery to this day."

—Allan, 72, Minnesota

5."As a Civil War buff, I've visited Gettysburg numerous times, solo and with friends. On one of my solo excursions, I was walking back to my hotel along a major artery of the park lined with some impressive monuments. The sun had just set, and I was enjoying the mystical quality that descends on that place at nighttime when suddenly, a bunch of male voices began singing Billy Joel's 'The Longest Time' in perfect acapella harmony behind a nearby monument large enough to conceal two dozen people behind it. I paused to listen. They sang a few bars, then stopped as suddenly as they'd started. I didn't hear anything else, so I proceeded on my walk. But to this day, I wonder what the heck they were doing there and why they'd chosen to sing behind the New York Auxiliary State Memorial. Maybe it offered great acoustics? At any rate, 25 years later, the memory of it still makes me laugh."

Four men in striped blazers, bow ties, and boater hats stand in a bar setting, singing

—Gene, 60, Ohio

Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images

6."When I was in my 20s, I lived in a two-family apartment building. One night, around midnight, I heard something messing with the trash cans and assumed the neighbor was taking out their trash. I looked out the window, and a monkey was peering up at me on top of one of the cans. I ran to get my husband, but by the time we got back, the monkey was gone. My husband said I must have been dreaming, but I hadn't even been to bed yet. The next day, we found out that a man in our neighborhood had a pet Capuchin monkey that had escaped. I felt vindicated."


7."After a long and hot 12 hours of working the back shift at a local factory, I was on my commute home when I pulled up to a stoplight and observed a cardboard box seemingly sliding across the intersection crosswalk. I noticed what looked like a tennis shoe occasionally protruding from the underside of the box, so I eased toward it as it approached the front of my vehicle, put the car in park, and got out to investigate. The box had stopped moving, so I picked it up and found a well-dressed teenage boy holding a flip phone. It was 4 a.m., so I stood there thinking, WTF? I was about to ask what he was doing when he jumped up and started running toward the nearest building, yelling, 'I WAS BORED!' I kept the box and contacted the authorities."

A person peeks out from inside a partially open cardboard box on a table, gripping the edges with both hands

8."One day, the traffic slowed a bit while driving through town. The cars in front of me began changing lanes. Eventually, I came upon a man who looked to be 90 years old, riding his lawnmower down the road as if it were a normal thing to do. I can't imagine what circumstances put that man in that position, but it was odd."


9."One night, several years ago, I was looking out my front window and saw a young couple straight-up running for their lives down the middle of the street. It wasn't a busy street, especially at night, and I couldn't see who or what was chasing them. I thought to myself, Damn, am I going to have to call the police about a murderer chasing these kids? They suddenly stopped in front of my window, looked behind them, then took off running again. That's when I finally saw a fat skunk run into the road, waddling after them. It was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen!"

Image of a Reddit post by u/absolutekunits featuring a skunk with white stripes. Caption reads, "Pic does not do him justice but this bad boy was FAT. biggest skunk i've seen. Bonus: perfect white stripes."

10."My daughter was playing in a summer lacrosse tournament in Colorado. It was a perfect day — the sun was out, the sky was blue, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Suddenly, we heard a massive boom on the road behind the field. A random lightning bolt had struck a man on a bike and a girl running nearby. A friend of ours, a doctor, ran over to tend to both people. The guy was in bad condition; the bolt hit him, and he had internal damage. Meanwhile, the bolt got so close to the runner's head that it had melted several barrettes in her hair. They both went to the hospital and lived to tell the story."


11."One day, I was walking along the main street in my town to go to the mall. That particular day, no cars were whizzing by; it was a really peaceful walk until, out of nowhere, I heard this horrible slap. I turned and saw a very confused-looking squirrel lying in the middle of the road. It kept looking above at the trees and then back down as if it couldn't believe what had just happened. It took me the longest time to realize the squirrel had fallen out of the tree! Luckily for him, no cars were coming. Due to my work, I was nearly on a first-name basis with the local animal rescue agency, so I went over to see if the little guy needed some help as I called for help. He jumped up and hurried back up a tree trunk. He was clearly fine and just a little stunned from what had to be a horribly long fall."

A post on Reddit titled "Small squirrel fell out of tree" shows a small squirrel in a cardboard box with a plastic cup. The post is by u/joejamies on r/squirrels

12."I went to Walmart late one night with my roommates in college. On our way back, the Mexican restaurant — which had a bra hanging on the fence — was getting raided by a bunch of frat boys wearing nothing but booty shorts. We assumed it was part of a hazing ritual, and as we drove down the road, we saw police pulling up to the restaurant. According to the small blurb in the local news, the police officers had been breaking up a bar fight at another restaurant across the street when they noticed the frat boys messing with the bra fence. The frat boys were at the Mexican restaurant in the first place because one of them thought his girlfriend had been the one to put her bra on the fence. Mind you, this blurb was sandwiched between a story about a cow getting loose in town and the city police forgetting to let a local McDonald's know that they were doing SWAT training in the building next door. All very strange."


13."It was the early 2000s, and I was in my early 20s, living in Oregon with my then-boyfriend. One weekend, a few friends and I traveled with my ex's band to Astoria, where they were playing a show. The night of the show, we all got very, very drunk. The venue owner was a friend of one of the band members and let them leave their equipment overnight. The next day, we were all extremely hungover but went to the venue to help pack up their equipment so we could drive home. My roommate and I stepped outside momentarily to get some fresh air. We were talking about how ungodly hungover we were when a guy on an old-school cruiser with five dogs riding on it with him approached us."

A dog wearing sunglasses and a bandana is riding on the back of a motorcycle, being held by a person. Palm trees and buildings are in the background. Caption reads, "You may be cool, but you’ll never be dog on the back of a motorcycle cool."

14."Once, I was driving down the highway with my sisters and nieces. This highway was between two towns, so there weren't any exits for about 30 minutes, and the speed limit was 75mph. The roads were fairly clear that day, and I passed only about two cars every five minutes. I came up behind a small, older car that looked like it had something strapped to the roof of it. As I passed, it turned out a comically tall man was driving the car with his head fully out of the sunroof. I had to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but this guy continued driving like that for at least 10 miles. It was hilarious but truly so strange."


15."I was on a flight headed to Florida for a wedding. I was in the aisle seat, no one was in the middle seat, and a man was in the window seat. We exchanged pleasantries as the plane took off, and I figured it would be a pretty peaceful flight. Halfway through the flight, I began nodding off when I suddenly smelled something peculiar. I looked over to the window and saw the man crunching on what looked like chips. I guess I was looking a little too long because he smiled and offered me some. I asked what he was eating, and he held up the bag for me to read. I had to hide my expression when I read: 'Honey Mustard Roasted Crickets.' I politely declined and put my headphones on so that I wouldn't hear the crunch. It was one of the strangest things I've encountered, but then again, I was heading to Florida."

Photo of shelves in a grocery store displaying various flavored cricket snacks in Canada, with packages labeled as BBQ, Sour Cream and Onion

—Nicole, 32, Arizona

u/vipedal2366 / Via reddit.com

16."My mom and I were doing our last Christmas lights walk for the season, so at the time, it was dark for the most part. We walked down a street we don't normally go down, and there he was — wearing only his tighty whities and crouched in the corner of a driveway was a man. He scared me so much that I sped-walked my older mom away. It was just some big man in his underwear. Happy New Year to me, too, I guess."


17."One Christmas, soon after my grandfather died, we had my grandmother over for dinner. One of her meal traditions was serving pickled peaches, so my mother planned to have it and purchased a large can of whole pickled peaches for us to enjoy. Mother asked me to open the can and put the peaches in a bowl, so I used a hand-cranked can opener, lifted the top off, and stood there, stunned. On top of the peaches was a complete set of keys — car, house, etc. I called the family over to see one of the strangest sights ever. A few days later, my dad contacted the local distributor and told them the story. Turns out someone on the factory line was missing a set of keys! We received two bags of their products as a 'reward.'"

—Doug, 77, Texas

18."Every summer, my family and I go to Long Beach Island. Last year, my mom trusted me to take a walk on the beach by myself to watch the sunset. As I was walking along the shore and watching the sun go down, I heard screaming. I whipped my head around, and. there was a lady with no clothes running around. I thought she went for a skinny dip, but then I saw her run back to her towel and take this giant jar of what I believed was sour cream and pour it ALL over and down her body. She continued running around, and then seagulls began circling her. They followed her as she went back into the water. It was bizarre; I still remember it so vividly."

Close-up photo showing a round tub of sour cream with an indentation pattern left by the filling machine. Text around the image discusses the pattern's origin

19."When I was in college in the 1970s or so, our choir was gathering on the recital hall stage for a rehearsal. Just before it started, a completely naked man came down the stairs on the left side of the stage. He walked across the stage and confronted our professor, ranting about some nonsense, then continued up the right-hand stairs and out the hall. About 30 of us were milling about onstage, and we all stopped and stood there with our jaws dropped. That was a very strange day."


20."My roommate and I used this app, which, if you enter your address, will give you coordinates to a location where you could potentially find bizarre and usually really frightening experiences. We drove to the location we were given and explored the area. The location was a large mansion not far from my house, on a street lined with other mansions. What made this one strange, though, was it was all lit up — inside and out — as if there was a big party. However, it was a Wednesday night around 2 a.m., and no cars were parked on the street or in its circular driveway. All the other homes around the place were dark. My roommate and I figured our trip was a bust."

A misty evening scene showing a large, illuminated house surrounded by leafless trees. The house's warm lights glow against the foggy backdrop

I personally would love a motorcycle man to roll up on me with a bike full of dogs. If you have a comically bizarre or inexplicable story, share it with us in the comments below! If you wish to submit anonymously, you can do so using this form.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.