What’s your personality based on your zodiac element?

Zodiac signs have always been a matter of interest for a huge number of people. Here’s an insight on how the element of your zodiac sign affects your personality.

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What-Kind-of-Element-Are-You-Fire-Water-Earth-or-Air-1-1 facthacker com

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces.


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Just like their sign, it is said that people of these sign are flowy and move forward with time.
It is said that these people can seem shy and aloof at first but slowly warm up. Once you get to know them, they are the happiest people on earth.
Their decision-making abilities are on-spot but they can be paranoid about being wrong — they always want to be right!.
Water sign people can be very creative and make for good writers, actors and musicians.
These people love company, but need their own space as well to restore their place in the world.


Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

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These signs are known to light people’s lives and they are always full of enthusiasm.
These people are very passionate about life and dislike monotonous and boring things, Just like fire, they light things up when needed and burn them too if and when needed.
With this sign, there is a warm radiance and these people are the life of any gathering —- they help people feel good about themselves.
However, these people exude a lot of warmth and in spite of their nature, they can be extremely protective of those around him.
Like each sign, fire too gives off something beautiful — it gives off a nourishing glow that can help you achieve better in life.

Air Signs: These include Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

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These people usually go with the flow and are great at holding up conversations. The air sign people can be a breath of fresh air.
They usually dream big and are usually very creative, they also help in bringing out their best in people and are usually a lot of fun to be with.
Another great factor about this element is that these people are extremely flexible and can go in any direction they want to.

Earth Signs: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.


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The Earth sign is in touch with its root, hence the people born under this element are in touch with their own self, they know where they stand and are are likely to make for great educators.
They are also easy going and help people who are in distress. They are people who are looked upon and this in turn helps them become strong individuals.


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