'Petrified': Michael Cohen Discusses Trump's Headspace On Eve Of Arraignment

Michael Cohen suspects his former boss Donald Trump is “petrified” on the eve of his arraignment in New York City over his role in 2016 hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

“Diaper Donald will be filling up that diaper, because this is not something that Donald is capable of either understanding or contending with,” Cohen, who worked closely with Trump as his personal attorney for more than a decade, told Ari Melber on Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat.”

“He believes he could control every situation. This is not a situation that he has any control over, and that’s making him sick to his stomach,” he added. “I think right now he’s beyond petrified.”

Cohen served prison time for campaign finance violations for facilitating the $130,000 in payments to Daniels in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair with Trump in 2006. Cohen has since acted as a key witness for the prosecution against the former president.

Trump arrived in New York from Florida on his private jet Monday. Trump’s team has indicated that he will turn himself in to the Manhattan district attorney’s office on Tuesday. He will likely be fingerprinted before entering a courtroom to make his plea, which is expected to be not guilty.

Watch the interview below.
