Philippine eagle from Bird Paradise dies from lung infection

Geothermica, 19, liked to keep its nest tidy, and enjoyed observing people who passed by its aviary

Philippine Eagle from Bird Paradise dies from infection (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)
Philippine Eagle from Bird Paradise dies from infection (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)

SINGAPORE — Geothermica, a 19-year-old male Philippine eagle from Bird Paradise, died on Thursday night (7 September), likely from a lung infection.

In a media statement from Mandai Wildlife Group on Friday, Geo was admitted to the Bird Paradise avian hospital on Wednesday, after his care team observed that it was not feeding well.

Its medical condition took a turn for the worse on Thursday, and despite efforts to save the bird, it eventually succumbed to the infection.

"For Geo’s care team and veterinarians who did their best to turn the situation around, losing him under such circumstances was heart-wrenching." said Dr Luis Neves, Mandai Wildlife Group's vice-president of animal care.

"Geo will always hold a special place in all our hearts. He was an incredible presence in our park and a great ambassador for his species."

Two resuscitations and one blood transfusion

While warded at the avian health and research centre, Geo was closely watched by the veterinary healthcare and avian team, who were in close contact with the Philippine Eagle Foundation on its treatment plan.

Earlier X-rays showed severe infection in Geo's lung, and it had collapsed during treatment, needing to be resuscitated twice. It also underwent a blood transfusion, as blood tests indicated its red blood cells were low, as its body was focused on producing white blood cells to fight the infection.

Despite these efforts, Geo eventually succumbed to the infection. Following its passing, a necropsy and lab tests will be conducted to get a definitive diagnosis.

Timeline of Geo's life

Geo was born on 7 January 2004. It first came to Mandai Wildlife Group in June 2019, under a wildlife loan agreement with Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

It liked to keep its personal space neat and tidy, spending much of his time in its aviary, arranging its nest to its liking. It also liked observing people that passed by the aviary.

Geo moved to the Bird Paradise’s Winged Sanctuary on 12 June. It had settled in well, and indicated behavioural interest in mating with female Philippine eagle, Sambisig. Both eagles were later slated to breed as a pair.

The care team will be turning their attention to Sambisig, to ensure she adjusts well in this transitional period.

Geo's passing follows the recent death of a 14-year-old African penguin at the Singapore Zoo in late August. The penguin, named Ben, had died from lumps in its respiratory tract.

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