Phillip Schofield's younger brother has been jailed for 12 years for child sex offences

Phillip Schofield's younger brother has been jailed for 12 years for child sex offences. Timothy Schofield, 54, was locked up for 11 counts of child sexual abuse against a teenage boy over a three year period. His trial heard that last year the defendant even travelled to the home of his famous brother to tell him about an incident that left the This Morning host warning him 'it must never happen again.' Schofield, who has since been sacked from Devon and Cornwall after a misconduct hearing, carried out the abuse between 2016 and 2019. He was convicted of three counts of causing a child to watch sexual activity, three of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, three of causing a child to engage in sexual activity and two of sexual activity with a child. Schofield, wearing a grey prison tracksuit, was brought to the dock at Bristol Crown Court today (Fri) for sentencing. Jailing him, The Honourable. Mrs Justice Johannah Cutts told him: "You exploited his (the victim's) innocence for your own sexual gratification. "The offences are so serious only a custodial sentence can be justified. "Your actions and behaviour have had a devastating impact on his whole family. "It was wrong on every level to behave as you did. "You thought only of yourself. Always of yourself. I have still not heard a word of genuine remorse from you. "The consquences have been deep and long lasting. "He felt he had to go along with what you wanted. He felt forced to do what you wanted and trapped and unable to escape. Ther judge also said he "took away the ability to be the teenager he should have been." In a victim impact statement, read today in court before sentence, the victim said: "Before Tim was arrested I felt I had no freedom. I often felt panic, stress and fear. "Only after Tim was arrested I felt safe, and I felt free." The vicitm said the fallout of the case has felt like "everything was crumbling around me." "I felt bitter and numb to life," he added. After the jury had returned the trial verdict, Phillip Schofield released a statement via his lawyers announcing he was disowning his brother for what he did. The boy, who was at school at the time, outlined to a trial at Exeter Crown Court in March how he felt "forced" into engaging in the sexual activity. He told the trial that on one occasion the victim was forced to engage in oral sex while porn was projected on a wall. Other incidents involved them masturbating together while watching porn. During the trial, Phillip Schofield told a court via a written statement his younger sibling came to his home in London in September last year in an 'extremely agitated' state. Phillip said he was doing the washing up when his brother then told him he had 'watched porn' and 'wanked' with a teenage boy the year before. The TV star said he responded by stating "f**k, stop" and told him he did not want to hear any further details. The meeting between the brothers in September 2021 was two months before the victim, who can not be named for legal reasons, outlined allegations to a counsellor of sexual abuse at the hands of the defendant. This later led to the arrest of Schofield, of Bath, Somerset, and his subsequent conviction. In the written statement, given after his brother was arrested, Phillip said his brother had phoned him on 12 September 2021 asking if it was "ok to talk." Phillip said: "Tim was in an extreme state of agitation - he said he was on the verge of killing himself. "He said his head was in a mess. He was clearly very upset and I asked if he could safely drive. "I asked him to drive to my address in London. Around two hours later he arrived and I could see he was in a heightened state of agitation. "It was distressing to see him in such a state - he was as angry as I've ever seen him. I told Tim to come inside and over the next couple of hours we spoke." "He was furious, angry ranting and raving." In his statement, Phillip added: "I was washing up and Tim was standing behind me. He said 'you're going to hate me for what I am about to tell you.' Phillip then told his brother there was "nothing" he could say that would make him hate him. But he said his brother then told him he had a "time together" with the alleged victim. The defendant told him they had "watched porn and wanked together last year." Phillip added: "I turned and said, what did you just say? "He said it was just this time and I told him it should never happen again.'' After starting to reveal further intimate details, Phillip in his statement: "I said - fuck, stop and shouted he had to stop at this point. I did not want to hear any details. "I just did not want to hear any of the details but it sounded like it was just one time. I said I don't want you to tell me anymore." Phillip said he then told his brother: "Regardless of how it happened, it must never happen again." The court heard the defendant continued to describe the incident, and Phillip said: "You must not do it again." Phillip said he never spoken with his brother about the incident again. In a statement released after the verdict, Phillip said: "My overwhelming concern is and has always been for the wellbeing of the victim and his family. I hope that their privacy will now be respected. "If any crime had ever been confessed to me by my brother, I would have acted immediately to protect the victim and their family. "These are despicable crimes, and I welcome the guilty verdicts. As far as I am concerned, I no longer have a brother." Schofield had been suspended from duty in December 2021 while these criminal proceedings progressed and has since been sacked after a misconduct hearing.