Photo of Yao Ming making golf legend Gary Player look like a small child puts Yao Ming's size in perspective

Since retiring from the NBA, former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming is still very much in the public eye.

But instead of always standing around other tall basketball players, Ming spends a lot of time standing next to average-sized people and making them look tiny. On top of his height (7-foot-6), Ming has also gotten bigger, which adds even more emphasis to the diversity in size.

The latest is this incredible photo of Mind standing next to golfer Gary Player at during the pro-am tournament for the Mission Hills China Golf Tournament. According to the PGA Tour, Player is 5-foot-7.

Yao Ming and Gary Player
Yao Ming and Gary Player

(Mission Hills/Action Images via Reuters Livepic)


Here is another shot from the tournament, with Player actually hovering over Ming thanks to a podium.

Yao Ming and Gary Player
Yao Ming and Gary Player

(Mission Hills/Action Images via Reuters Livepic)

Here is an example of Ming from his playing days. He is clearly bigger than Shaquille O'Neal, but this did not properly prepare us for Ming in the real world.

Shaquille O'Neal and Yao Ming
Shaquille O'Neal and Yao Ming

(Getty Images)

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