Piers Morgan lashes out at ‘treacherous’ Alex Beresford two years after Good Morning Britain storm off

Piers Morgan lashes out at ‘treacherous’ Alex Beresford two years after Good Morning Britain storm off

Piers Morgan has hit out at Alex Beresford two years after their on-air fallout on Good Morning Britain.

In 2021, GMB viewers were left stunned when then-GMB presenter Morgan stormed off the show’s set after he was criticised for his treatment of Megan Markle.

During the episode in question, Beresford called out Morgan’s dismissal of Markle’s claims that she had contemplated suicide due to the treatment at the hands of the British press.

Beresford accused Morgan of being eager to “trash” Markle, prompting Morgan to storm off the set in a move that Beresford called “diabolical”. Morgan later returned to the set.

Later that day, it was confirmed that the broadcaster was exiting the ITV morning show after six years.

In a new BBC interview with Amol Rajan, Morgan made it clear he still holds a grudge towards his former co-star.

“I don’t mind a guest doing that but I do object to someone who had asked to come on the show, who was on the team, who then makes a very personal attack on me,” he told Rajan.

Morgan, 58, went on to recall his thinking in the moment, stating: “I thought there are two things that are going to happen here. Either I’m going to lose my rag and do something I regret  – or I’m going to go and walk off.


“I don’t like to think about what I would have done. I was certainly looking at him thinking, ‘Yeah, I better leave the room.’”

The broadcaster added: “Just for the record, I think he was a treacherous little p****. So he can say what he likes about me. He absolutely has a right to his opinion. That is my opinion about him.”

The Independent has contacted a representative of Beresford’s for comment.

The former ‘Good Morning Britain’ host dismissed ‘haters’ while plugging his latest book (PA)
The former ‘Good Morning Britain’ host dismissed ‘haters’ while plugging his latest book (PA)

In an interview with Tucker Carlson given a month after the incident, Morgan accused Beresford of orchestrating a “premeditated attack” on him during the episode.

At the time, Morgan was largely criticised by viewers for his decision to walk off set during the debate.

“I think middle-aged egomaniac Piers Morgan has gotten too comfortable with zoom-interviews and can’t handle face to face criticism,” tweeted one viewer. “Round of applause for Alex Beresford.”

Morgan appeared to initially regret his response, agreeing with one viewer who called him a “snowflake”.

He wrote: “I was annoyed, went for a little cool-down and came back to finish the discussion.”