PM Johnson tells UK cabinet people must stay at home

British PM Johnson gives daily address to nation on coronavirus in London

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told his cabinet on Tuesday that it was vital that the public followed his instruction to stay at home to slow the spread of coronavirus.

"The PM said that by staying at home, people would protect our NHS (National Health Service) and save lives," Johnson's office said in a statement.

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed to his cabinet colleagues that a scheduled Comprehensive Spending Review would be delayed so that the government could remain focused on responding to the public health and economic emergency.

Only the prime minister, the health minister, the cabinet secretary and the chief medical officer attended the meeting in person. All other cabinet members took part by video conference.

(Reporting by Alistair Smout, writing by Estelle Shirbon, Editing by Paul Sandle)