Poland to begin easing coronavirus curbs from Sunday, eyes on May election

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Sopot

By Agnieszka Barteczko and Pawel Florkiewicz

WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will gradually lift lockdown measures imposed to contain the novel coronavirus starting from this coming Sunday, the government said on Tuesday, as the nation prepares for a presidential election on May 10.

The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has said it wants to ease economic pain from the pandemic, with restrictions on public life costing the country some 10 billion zlotys ($2.42 billion) every day or two.

Several countries in Europe, including Poland's neighbour, the Czech Republic, have also decided to ease curbs as the growth of new reported cases of infection has slowed. In Poland, new case growth has held roughly steady from April after a jump in March, with a dip over Easter.

As of Tuesday, Poland had reported 7,049 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, and 251 deaths, relatively fewer than other countries in Europe. Testing rates in Poland have also been low.

"We are slowly unfreezing the economy, I think this is good news," Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski told private radio broadcaster RMF FM.

The initial easing of restrictions will include shops.

As Poland battles the epidemic, the presidential election has emerged as a contentious issue, with the ruling party arguing it needs to be held on time out of respect for democratic procedure. The opposition has accused PiS of sacrificing public health for political gain.

Opinion polls show the incumbent Andrzej Duda, a PiS ally and longtime frontrunner, gaining in popularity.

Some polls showed him winning more than 50% of the vote, enough to secure re-election without having to compete in a second round on May 24. But surveys also indicate voter turnout could be as low 30% or less.

PiS has said its plan to hold the ballot via the mail, instead of voting booths, which still needs full parliamentary approval, would ensure it is safe for voters.

Szumowski said a postal ballot is safer but he added he was waiting for more information from public health officials before giving his final recommendation.


New restrictions are also being put place. From Thursday, Poles will have to cover their faces when in public, either with masks or cloth scarves.

Last week, authorities also extended school closures until April 26 and restrictions on businesses until April 19. Limits for air and rail transport have also been extended. Poland's borders will remain closed until May 3.

Poland was among the first countries to close borders in Europe, imposing restrictions before having a high number of confirmed coronavirus cases.

Critics at home and abroad have accused Duda of using his position as president to continue his election campaign, while opposition candidates are prevented from doing so because of pandemic restrictions.

One opposition politician accused the government on Tuesday of easing restrictions to facilitate the election.

"I don't think we are seeing the politics of fighting coronavirus or supporting the economy, but rather political action linked to preparing for the elections," Adam Szlapka, a member of Nowoczesna, an ally of main opposition party Civic Platform (PO), told Reuters.

Government spokesman Piotr Muller told public radio on Tuesday that further decisions on easing curbs could be taken on Wednesday or Thursday.

Human rights officials, international organisations and European Union Commissioner Vera Jourova have criticised the Polish ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party's push to hold elections by post.

(Reporting by Agnieszka Barteczko, Anna Wlodarczak-Semczuk and Pawel Florkiewicz; Writing by Joanna Plucinska; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky and Justyna Pawlak)