Poland to seek review of EU refugee deal after Paris attacks

WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland's new government said on Monday the attacks on Paris showed the need for a review of a European Union agreement struck earlier this year to take in refugees under a quota system. Hundreds of thousands of people have reached Europe as Syrian refugees in recent months, including at least one person using a passport found at the scene of the attacks. That man is thought to have travelled with another, who also blew himself up near the Stade de France. Poland's previous centre-right pro-EU government backed the deal in September but the new government, formed earlier this month by the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, appeared to be revising the Polish position. "After Paris, the situation has changed," Poland's new Prime Minister Beata Szydlo told reporters. "We will be proposing to sit down at a table and think over, whether the solutions which have been proposed are good. In our view, we are not prepared to accept those quotas of refugees." Poland broke ranks with Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to support the deal which aims to share 120,000 refugees across the 28-nation bloc. Under the plan, Poland was to take in 4,500 refugees, adding to some 2,000 it had already accepted. Any revision to the deal would likely deepen the divisions within the EU over how to handle the more than 800,000 migrants who have entered the bloc this year, mostly fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. (Reporting by Agnieszka Barteczko and Wiktor Szary; editing by Anna Willard)