With focus on election, Poland puts off abortion decision

Protests against an initiative to tighten the nation's abortion rules in front of the Parliament in Warsaw

WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish lawmakers voted on Thursday to kick a citizens' bill proposing a toughening of Poland's already tight rules on abortion down the road by sending it to a parliamentary commission for study.

Abortion is highly divisive in staunchly Catholic Poland, but the bill came at a time when the political focus was on a presidential election due next month.

"Those PiS lawmakers who think we can wait ... that we should debate for longer about whether we can kill children or not. Remember those names well," tweeted the Life and Family Foundation, which proposed the bill.

Religious conservatives are key to the ruling nationalist Law and Justice party's (PiS) support and it is keen to retain their backing despite considerable public opposition to tightening the rules.

The bill would ban abortion in one of the few instances in which it is allowed - where prenatal tests show serious, irreversible damage to the foetus.

Other preconditions are incest, rape and risks to maternal health, but rights campaigners say the bill would eliminate 98% of the small number of abortions carried out in Poland.


Meanwhile, members of the governing coalition sought opposition support for a two-year extension of President Andrzej Duda's term because of the difficulty of holding an election as planned on May 10 under coronavirus restrictions.

PiS had advocated a postal ballot, but late on Wednesday unexpectedly presented a bill to keep Duda in office for now.

As a constitutional change, this would require opposition backing to secure the necessary two-thirds approval.

Junior coalition partner Accord had lobbied for the change and Jaroslaw Gowin of Accord had quit as a deputy prime minister over the issue.

"We are going to persuade all lawmakers that the historical moment and the huge scale of responsibility held by politicians ... requires us to rise above individual interests," Gowin told reporters.

Jan Grabiec of the opposition centrist Civic Platform said Duda could be kept on without such a drastic measure.

"We believe that in the constitution there are (already) means of postponing the elections," he said. "A state of emergency extends the president's term."

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was also expected on Thursday to announce an easing of the coronavirus lockdown.

In March, Poland closed its borders, schools and other public places and largely forbade people to leave their homes. It has so far recorded 7,771 coronavirus infections and 292 deaths.

"Final decisions will be taken today. I think that first, starting from Monday, we can expect an opening of forests, green areas," Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin told the private radio station RMF.

(Reporting by Agnieszka Barteczko, Pawel Florkiewicz and Anna Koper, writing by Alan Charlish; Editing by Kevin Liffey)