Police hunt for suspects in Baltimore mass shooting

STORY: At least two people were killed and 28 injured - including about a dozen children - in a mass shooting in Baltimore early Sunday morning.

And, according to police, the shooters are still at large.

In what Maryland authorities called “insanity”, the shooting took place after a neighborhood party and left an 18-year-old woman and 20-year-old man dead.

Maryland Senate president Bill Ferguson:

“This is a societal problem that we're dealing with a mass shooting where a disagreement turns into 28 people shot. This is insanity. This cannot be the society that we are expected to live in. We have to do better.”

Police said they’re searching for multiple suspects and are urging the community to come forward with any information or videos.

They also said the injured range from 13 to 32 years old.

And that nine people were still hospitalized with wounds from gunfire as of Sunday afternoon, including a few in critical condition.

The tragedy rattled the city of Baltimore, 40 miles north of Washington DC, at the start of the Fourth of July holiday weekend.

That’s when Americans typically gather for parades, barbecues and fireworks.

According to local media, the shooting took place shortly after midnight at a block party in the Brooklyn Homes neighborhood, with hundreds of people attending.