Police officer suspended after footage shows ‘man being punched in head’

Video emerged which appeared to show the policeman punching a man in the head and putting him in a chokehold.

Watch: Onlookers shout at police as officer puts suspect in chokehold and repeatedly punches him

A police officer has been suspended after a video emerged which appeared to show him punching a man in the head and putting him in a chokehold during an arrest.

The confrontation on Wednesday was filmed by onlookers in Porthmadog, North Wales, after officers were called to a domestic incident.

After taking a series of blows to the face, the man can be heard groaning in pain as a female officer handcuffs him.

The 34-year-old suspect’s eye and face is visibly swollen as he’s led to a van, while onlookers shout at police.

North Wales Police has now confirmed the officer has been suspended and the man arrested in the video has been released on bail.

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A police force is investigating after one its own officers was filmed repeatedly punching a man during an arrest. 

The suspect appeared to be placed in a choke hold around the neck before the officer delivered a series of blows to his face. 

As a female officer handcuffed the suspect he could be heard groaning in pain as shocked onlookers shouted at police. 

He was led to a police van with his eye and face visibly swollen following the arrest in Pothmadog, North Wales. 

North Wales Police said they were investigating the arrest. 

The officer was filmed placing the suspect in a chokehold as onlookers watched. (Wales News Service)

The arrest, which has been widely circulated on social media, is being investigated by both North Wales Police and the IOPC police watchdog.

Writing on North Wales Police’s Facebook page, Luke Murphy said: “I’m absolutely horrified and shocked at what I just watched!"

Elin Williams added: "I wonder what a member of the public would get in court for choking and repeatedly punching someone in the head. Absolutely disgusting!"

Andrew Bowen said: "Just watched the video of one of your officers strangling and punching a man nine times in the face, that's absolutely disgusting behaviour from a public servant."

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A police force is investigating after one its own officers was filmed repeatedly punching a man during an arrest. 

The suspect appeared to be placed in a choke hold around the neck before the officer delivered a series of blows to his face. 

As a female officer handcuffed the suspect he could be heard groaning in pain as shocked onlookers shouted at police. 

He was led to a police van with his eye and face visibly swollen following the arrest in Pothmadog, North Wales. 

North Wales Police said they were investigating the arrest. 

The arrest is now being investigated by both North Wales Police and the IOPC. (Wales News Service)

North Wales Police added in a statement: “We can confirm that the officer involved has been suspended from duty.

“The IOPC are leading the investigation and we are therefore unable to provide any further information.

“In relation to the man arrested we can confirm that he was released on bail.”

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IOPC Director David Ford said: “Footage on social media, capturing part of the interaction between police officers and the arrested man has, understandably, attracted significant interest and public concern.

“It is important that we thoroughly and independently investigate the whole incident, in order to establish whether the level of force used during the arrest was reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances.”