Police rescue ducklings on road using traffic cone

Nine ducklings have been saved from a busy dual carriageway by police officers who scooped them into a traffic cone.

Dorset Police said concerned members of the public reported baby ducks causing traffic disruption on the A338 Spur Road in Bournemouth on Saturday evening.

PCs Kier Dagnall and Summer Bryant successfully rescued the nine ducklings using the plastic cone.

They were taken to Moyles Court Wildlife Rescue in Ringwood to be cared for.

The centre said the ducklings were "extremely fortunate".

"A big 'thank you' to Dorset Police, this time for rescuing another group of small, frightened ducklings stranded next to the fast lane against the central concrete barrier on the A338," it posted on social media.

It said it was the 25th group of ducks reported at the location in recent weeks.

"The nine ducklings will remain here with us until fully grown and [they] are ready for release in a suitable area," it added.

A Dorset Police spokesman joked: "We hope they had a quacking time with the old bill.”

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