Polish farmers continue Ukraine border protest

Polish farmers have resumed their blockade of the Medyka border crossing with Ukraine on Thursday, according to private broadcaster Polsat News, protesting against anticipated tax increases and demanding government subsidies for corn.

The farmers previously suspended their protest at the crossing in southeastern Poland on 24th December, following a meeting with Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekierski.

Protest leader Roman Kondrow told Polsat that at the time, the farmers were pleased with Siekierski as well as with the local governor – but that they were holding out for a formal written agreement with the government.

Kondrow told Polsat that while Siekierski had told the farmers their demands would be met, the country's prime minister has yet to give a signed declaration.

"We want to sign a bilateral agreement," Kondrow said while speaking at a press conference on Thursday.

"If such a thing is created, the protest will be suspended until the demands are implemented," he added.

Since November 6th, Polish truck drivers have also been blocking several border crossings with Ukraine, angry at the possibility that the entry of Ukrainian products into the EU market could badly affect competition.

They are calling on the EU to reinstate a reciprocal system which requires Ukrainian companies to obtain permits to operate in the bloc.

In December, newly-elected Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that he believed Warsaw would soon be able to bring the truckers' protest to an end.