Popular Aberdeen art festivals could go biennial

Nuart murals feature across central Aberdeen
Nuart, which features murals in city buildings, has been held annually since 2017 [BBC]

Two public art festivals in Aberdeen could be held every two years rather than annually under cost-cutting plans being considered by councillors.

Reducing the frequency of the Nuart and Spectra festivals is one of 13 recommendations following a review of the city's culture offering.

Nuart sees huge murals painted on the walls of buildings in the city, while Spectra describes itself as the country's premier light festival.

The review was drawn up for Aberdeen City Council by external consultants with the aim of making the most of the limited available funding.

Other recommendations include moving to a three year funding cycle for cultural organisations to give them more certainty and help them source income from other sources.

Councillors will discuss the review on 3 July.

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