Posthumous memoir by Alexei Navalny to be published in October

A memoir by Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny is set to be published this October, roughly eight months after his death.

According to publisher Alfred A. Knopf, “Patriot” — which Navalny began writing in 2020 — will be his “final letter to the world” when it’s released Oct. 22.

“This book is a testament not only to Alexei’s life, but to his unwavering commitment to the fight against dictatorship — a fight he gave everything for, including his life,” his widow Yulia Navalnaya said in a statement.

“Through its pages, readers will come to know the man I loved deeply — a man of profound integrity and unyielding courage. Sharing his story will not only honor his memory but also inspire others to stand up for what is right and to never lose sight of the values that truly matter.”

Navalny, 47, died suddenly in February while serving a 19-year prison sentence on extremism charges he claimed were politically motivated by his opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He was sentenced after returning to his home country following his recovery in Germany from a nerve agent assassination attempt he blamed on the Kremlin.

The book chronicles Navalny’s life and career and includes “never-before-seen correspondence from prison,” Knopf stated.

Navalnaya said the book has already been translated into 11 languages.