Potter returns to top of WTCS podium in Montreal

Beth Potter crosses the finish line in Montreal for her second WTCS victory of the season
Beth Potter crosses the finish line in Montreal for her second WTCS victory of the season

Beth Potter stormed to her second World Triathlon Championship Series victory of the season with a stunning sprint finish in Montreal.

Potter outkicked Leonie Periault on the blue carpet to finish in 58 minutes and 10 seconds and claim her second win in four races, having won the season opener in Abu Dhabi in March.

Victory for Potter also means British women have won all four races so far this season, with Sophie Coldwell taking gold in Yokohama and Georgia Taylor-Brown successful in Cagliari.

Taylor-Brown finished seventh in Canada and Coldwell 13th, while Kate Waugh came home 15th.

“I didn’t have a great swim today but I just made sure I stayed cool and calm and worked really hard in the first two laps of the bike and got back on,” said Potter.

“I had a bit of a niggle going into Cagliari which is maybe why I was a bit off, so to come here and come off quite a hard bike and run really well – I am really happy with that.

“We have got more races to do but this has given me a bit of a confidence boost going into the next one.”

Potter finished just two seconds ahead of Periault, who sealed her first podium of the season, while American Summer Rappaport took bronze, the USA’s fourth in a row this season.

It was an American contingent that led the way after the swim leg, with Rappaport, Taylor Knibb, Katie Zaferes, and Kirsten Kasper all in the top 10 alongside Brits Coldwell and Waugh as Brazil’s Vittoria Lopes led the way.

Rappaport and Knibb then led from the front on the bike but a superb leg from Potter hauled her into contention, closing the gap between the lead and chase group with the two Americans marginally out in front on their own.

But that lead was quickly eliminated on the run leg, with Potter and Periault posting a joint-fastest time of 16:08 to reel in Rappaport before a final kick from Potter saw seal the win.

In the men’s race, Jonny Brownlee finished 17th and Jack Willis finished 41st as Australia’s Matthew Hauser picked up his first World Triathlon Championship Series victory.

Hauser strongly to pull away from a 10-strong pack at the front that included Olympic champion Kristian Blummenfelt, who finished fifth, with Brazil’s Manoel Messias sealing second and Belgium’s Jelle Geens completing the podium.

Brownlee finished 59 seconds behind the eventual winner while Willis’ finish was his highest of this year’s WTCS to date.

Willis was due to be back in action on Sunday alongside Max Stapley, Coldwell and Taylor-Brown in the mixed relay, however the race was cancelled due to adverse conditions.

A World Triathlon statement said: “It is with regret that we announce that the Mixed Relay race in WTCS Montreal on Sunday has been cancelled due to the smog coming from the forest fires in Ontario.

“The safety of our athletes is of paramount importance and this decision has not been taken lightly.”

WTCS will come to the UK on the weekend of 29-30 July for AJ Bell 2023 World Triathlon Championship Series Sunderland.