The Preschool Where Parents are Welcome
At LeClare Preschool, parental involvement isn’t just an abstract concept, it’s a core part of the school’s curriculum to foster a true sense of community. Read on to find out how mamas and papas are encouraged to get involved!
The adage “It takes a village to raise a child,” seems to take on new meaning once we have kids (and realise the invaluable worth of help wherever we can get it!). How refreshing that LeClare Preschool embraces the same philosophy in its approach to community; the school strives to work closely with parents (and in fact the community as a whole) so that children can better discover their innate creativity, individual talents and potential in a supportive and collaborative environment:
The 3 Days Policy: Parental involvement is encouraged from the very beginning, as LeClare parents are invited to sit in with their child for the first three days of their enrolment until the child feels comfortable with the new environment. Teachers and parents work together to help the child slowly ease into joining the class, while the parent will gradually step back and allow the child to spend time independently with the teachers.
Parent-taught classes: Once students are fully integrated into the community, parents are encouraged to share their knowledge and passions with the students. One mama came by to make pizzas, for example, while another read a book in French and another conducted an art workshop!This kind of involvement not only allows teachers and parents to bond and better understand each other’s approaches so as to create a more open line of communication, but also allows parents to get to know their children’s peers and see what a school day is like for the children. Parents are also invited to join in on field trips and excursions!
Open Door policy: Once a child has settled into the school routine, parents are always allowed to join them for lunch (a handy benefit of LeClare’s CBD-adjacent location), to encourage parent-child bonding.
Regular updates: LeClare also keeps an open line of communication with parents through its own LeClare App, which provides a weekly update on school happenings through captioned photos. In addition, there are regular class and school newsletters.
At the end of the day, this all goes back to LeClare recognising the importance of community. The school believes in community’s ability to both safeguard and educate its children, while there is also so much to learn from them in return! For example, in preparation for Halloween, LeClare’s fellow building tenants happily handed out healthy sweets for trick-or-treating!
Through regular outdoor experiential learning sessions, students and teachers visit the building’s security guards, as well as the florists (a big hit thanks to their many teddy bears!). Next on the schedule is the nearby organic shop!
It’s all part of LeClare Discovery, the school philosophy that believes in empowering children with their own learning process, preserving their passion to understand the natural world, and develop care and respect. How lovely that parents are invited and encouraged to participate in this learning process!
LeClare Preschool, Shaw Towers, 100 Beach Road #02-07/17, Singapore 189702, (+65) 6969 9479/(+65) 8388 7377
The post The Preschool Where Parents are Welcome appeared first on Sassy Mama.