Prince Harry Is "Determined" to Find a Permanent Home in the United Kingdom

the duke  duchess of sussex visit sussex
Prince Harry Wants a Permanent Home in the UKChris Jackson - Getty Images

In case you'd forgotten due to being absolutely inundated with royal drama at all times, King Charles evicted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from Frogmore Cottage last year. And now the Duke of Sussex is (reportedly!) on the market for a new place.

Royal expert Tom Quinn tells The Mirror that "As time goes by, Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK. Inevitably, the honeymoon period where everything in the States is new and exciting is coming to an end and Harry is looking back at the past through rose-tinted spectacles."

general views of frogmore cottage
Frogmore CottageGOR - Getty Images

Apparently, Harry "misses his Old Etonian and army friends" and is "determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security."

As a reminder, Harry and Meghan were evicted from Frogmore Cottage in March 2023, news their rep confirmed to Page Six by saying, “We can confirm the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been requested to vacate their residence at Frogmore Cottage.”

According to The Sun, the Sussexes found out about the eviction 24 hours after the publication of Harry’s memoir, Spare, and were left absolutely "stunned." The outlet reported that there was a "flurry of letters and emails" about the sudden eviction, and that Meghan and Harry were given just *weeks* to pack (they were eventually granted more time after "fraught negotiations").

More recently (April 2024, to be exact), Prince Harry renounced his residency in England and listed his “new country/state usually resident” as the United States in company returns filed by his sustainable travel organization, Travalyst. According to both The Mirror and The Sun, the start of residency was backdated to June 29, 2023—which is when he and Meghan Markle were evicted from Frogmore.

In conclusion: DRAMA!

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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