Putin's rumored goddaughter is among Russian celebs doing damage control after a raunchy 'almost naked' party

  • Ksenia Sobchak, a socialite rumored to be Putin's goddaughter, attended a now infamous Russian party.

  • Many celebrities have offered groveling apologies after the "almost naked" party sparked backlash.

  • Sobchak is also releasing statements in a rush to smooth things over.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's rumored goddaughter is one of the celebrities to scandalize conservative Russia by attending a raunchy and now infamous party.

Ksenia Sobchak, a journalist, socialite, and onetime presidential candidate, is undertaking considerable damage control after it turned out she, too, was at the "almost naked" party, as it was dubbed.

The risqué $11,000-a-ticket party invited members of Russian celebrity and influencer circles to show up wearing as little as they could manage.

The rapper Vacio sported nothing but a pair of sneakers and a carefully placed sock, The Washington Post reported.

It set off backlash from conservative commentators and politicians, who accused partygoers of flouting Russia's infamous anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda laws. Critics also scorned the optics of the lavish affair in contrast with the lives of ordinary Russians, especially those fighting on the front lines in Ukraine.

The storm has led to heavy consequences for attendees.

Many have seen their brand deals and performances canceled, while Vacio was sentenced to 15 days in jail, The Guardian reported.

Meanwhile, the party's organizer — the influencer Anastasia Ivleeva — faces a class-action lawsuit in which plaintiffs demand she pay $11 million to a veterans charity, the independent Russian outlet Meduza reported.

A composite image showing, left, a tearful Anastasia Ivleeva apologising in a video, and right, an overhead view of the December 20, 2023 party she hosted that caused massive backlash in Russia.
Left, a tearful Anastasia Ivleeva apologizing in a video. Right, a view of the December 20 party she hosted that caused massive backlash in Russia.Anastasia Ivleeva/Telegram/Ostorozhno Novosti via Reuters

Ivleeva, like other celebrities involved, has since posted a groveling apology to social media.

Sobchak has also reacted, offering a partial apology while seeking to defend Ivleeva.

According to a Washington Post translation, Sobchak posted defiantly to her Telegram account the day after the party as the backlash started, saying: "Where and when adults go with their butts naked is their personal business."

She said that war and killing were always present somewhere in the world, adding that didn't mean people couldn't drink some bubbly.

The post was accompanied by a video of a woman seen from the rear wearing a revealing, sheer black dress.

A still from video shared by Russian socialite Ksenia Sobchak, showing two women in skimpy clothing at a December, 20, 2023 party that shocked conservative Russia.
A still from a video shared by Sobchak.Ksenia Sobchak/Telegram

A few days later, public outrage did not appear to let up, and Sobchak released another video.

This time, she implied the crowd was a rougher set than she would've expected to see at one of Ivleeva's parties, with "a lot of tastelessness."

Allowing images from the party to be published was in poor taste, she said.

"You always need to choose carefully the right time, and this is not the right time," she said, adding that she apologized "if someone was offended by my appearance."

She said not to scapegoat everyone there because of a "stupid accident," according to Meduza's translation.

The reaction to the party shows that almost nobody — not even a beloved celebrity — is immune to fierce backlash in conservative Russia. But there may be a reason Sobchak can afford not to grovel too hard in response to the furor.

ksenia sobchak putin
Sobchak with Vladimir Putin.Sputnik Pool via AP

She's well known for her connection to Putin. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, the former mayor of St. Petersburg who died in 2000, was credited with ushering Putin onto the national political stage, earning Putin's admiration in the process. Since then, persistent rumors have suggested that Putin is her godfather.

The connection, whether formal or not, may well have allowed her a little more leeway.

"She has always got away with stuff, and it's always been understood that Putin's presidential administration made sure she didn't get into too much trouble," Jade McGlynn, a researcher into Russian politics, told Business Insider in a previous interview.

Russian presidential hopeful Ksenia Sobchak speaks to the media prior to Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual news conference in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017.
Sobchak, then a Russian presidential hopeful, on December 14, 2017.Vladimir Kondrashov/AP Photo

Putin praised Sobchak in 2017 when she announced her candidacy for the presidency — a move that barely threatened his power. According to McGlynn, her position as a rich party girl likely made the progressive and pro-democracy movements seem unserious compared with his campaign.

Other political rivals have faced much harsher treatment — most notably Alexey Navalny, who was almost killed in a poisoning widely blamed on the Russian security services and is now in an Arctic penal colony.

A lower-profile candidate was blocked this week from running in the upcoming presidential election after officials said they found typos and other mistakes in her paperwork.

Sobchak has also been able to vocally support LGBTQ+ rights. But in 2022, she briefly fled to Lithuania after her commercial director was arrested. It came a few months after she had expressed concern over the invasion of Ukraine.

A spokesperson for Sobchak did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Correction: December 28, 2023 — An earlier version of this story incorrectly described the video posted to Telegram by Ksenia Sobchak. The footage did not appear to show Sobchak.

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