‘Visually stunning’ to ‘forced day of mourning’: Mixed reaction to Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

Queen Elizabeth II, the world's second longest-reigning monarch, and Canada's longest sovereign, was laid to rest today at Westminster Abbey in London in a historic funeral.

The funeral was attended by her family, heads of state and government officials, governors general and realm prime ministers.

Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the coffin as it traveled from Westminster Abbey to Windsor Castle, and millions around the world turned to their televisions to watch the funeral.

Although Prince Harry and Meghan Markle remained the centre of attention for many still, several instances from the funeral caught people's attention. Known for her deep love for animals, many were touched that the Queen's corgis showed up at the funeral to say their goodbyes, along with her pony Emma.

The dogs became synonymous with the Crown and have been immortalized in countless photos, videos and even an animated movie. They were frequent fliers with the Queen, nearly upstaging her in a 2016 photo shoot by the famed American photographer Annie Leibovitz, who reposted one of the images shortly after the queen's passing.

A special mention was also given to the coffin bearers at the funeral who carried the Queen's coffin with "dignity and grace", as many said.

While many thought that the ceremony was beautiful and it was a proud day for Britain, many also called it forced mourning and believed it a waste of 'taxpayer money'. Here are all the reactions from around the world.

Many even criticized the worldwide media coverage of the Queen's funeral and the lack of focus on the floods in Pakistan, the energy crisis in the United Kingdom, and the hurricane in Puerto Rico.