Race Across the World's Viv misses pretty street after 'wild goose chase'

Stephen and Viv were unable to find the '17th prettiest street in the world' after a long detour to see it on the BBC One show.

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Race Across The World's Viv and Stephen missed out on the world's 17th prettiest street. (BBC)

Race Across the World's Stephen and Viv couldn't find the 17th prettiest street in the world after they went on a "wild goose chase".

Stephen complained they would be wasting time and money if they made a detour to George Town in Malaysia, but as wife Viv had taken control of their route in this week's episode she insisted they tick it off their travel list.

However, finding the street wasn't as simple as they had expected, with the couple eventually admitting defeat and deciding to Google it once they got back home.

Race Across the World's Stephen has kept a tight hold on his team's budget and route during the BBC One show, but this week wife Viv decided to take the reigns as they travelled through Malaysia.

Viv insisted on visiting the spectacular city of George Town in Malaysia, despite some reservations from Stephen.

As they travelled in a taxi, she said: "I quite fancy going there. It's got one of the prettiest streets in the world there," but Stephen complained: "We're going out of the way, spending money to get there."

The colourful shop house architecture of Kek Chuan Jalan Road in George Town, Penang Island, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Asia
Kek Chuan Road is known for its brightly-painted buildings. (PA/Alamy)

Viv put her foot down, telling him: "You're missing the trick there then...It's got one of the 17th prettiest streets in the world apparently. You don't want to pass up the 17th prettiest place."

Although she did manage to convince Stephen to visit George Town, the pair were unable to find Kek Chuan Road, known for its brightly-painted buildings and voted one of the prettiest in the world by House Beautiful magazine.

They were shown rushing around the city but could not find the street despite asking for directions from plenty of locals.

Stephen seemed annoyed as he said: "Wild goose chase, all over the place, got lost, went back, sulked."

But it wasn't a wasted trip, as the couple enjoyed taking in the sights of George Town including some incredible murals painted on the buildings.

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Stephen and Viv loved George Town despite not finding the right road. (BBC)

Stephen admitted: "This was Viv's choice, it was a bit out of the way, but actually I've really enjoyed it. I've relaxed, had a cracking day. It's genuinely been worth it."

Viv said of the elusive 17th prettiest street: "When I get home I'll just have to Google what I missed."

Viewers found the scenes hilarious as one person commented: "Never pass up an opportunity to see the 17th prettiest street in the world."

Someone else wrote: "Nooo, how will we ever know what the 17th prettiest street in the world looks like??"

While another viewer commented: "I need to see the 18th & 16th most beautiful streets in the world before seeing the 17th & if it deserves that position."

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Can Stephen and Viv catch up on leaders Alfie and Owen? (BBC)

Viewers aren't yet sure how far behind Stephen and Viv's detour to George Town has put them, as Alfie and Owen were the only team who managed to reach the next check point by the end of the episode.

They congratulated themselves on being at least 18 hours ahead of the rest of the teams as there were no more ferries arriving that day, but their lead could be even greater as two teams were stuck in Sumatra while another was on an epic bus journey to get to the port.

Stephen and Viv ran into Eugenie and Isabel as they both tried to find a bus to take them to the ferry, but found that no one was in a rush to leave and were stuck waiting for hours.

However, Stephen managed to keep the locals entertained as one person was heard saying: "This Mr Bald Man is funny."

Betty and James managed to get on a direct overnight bus to the port, but by the end of the episode it wasn't clear whether they would make it onto the ferry ahead of the other two teams.

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Betty was relieved to get her passport back. (BBC)

Betty and James suffered every traveller's nightmare in this week's episode when Betty realised that she had left her bum bag on a bus - containing their passports.

If the brother and sister had been unable to get their passports back, it would have meant an early end to their race as they would have been unable to cross between countries to reach the final checkpoints.

To make matters worse, this was the second time the pair had misplaced their passports as a couple of weeks earlier, James had left his bum bag containing them on a bench.

Luckily, after a sleepless night worrying about getting the passports back, they were found by the bus driver and Betty and James were able to continue with their race.

One viewer commented: "Well... I'm glad they got the bag back against all the odds.... Anyways.... No more passport drama please."

Race Across the World airs on BBC One at 9pm on Wednesdays.