Raskin Rounds Up GOP’s Self-Burns Over Speaker Chaos in Hearing

Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters
Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) went to a Tuesday hearing of the House Oversight Committee with a binder chock-full of choice quotes uttered by Republicans despairing of their party’s continued inability to install a new House Speaker. Each receipt is a soundbite unto itself, but Raskin used their collective weight in an attempt to undermine Rep. Pete Sessions’ grilling of the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service on its operations. “One can only regard with amazement that any member of the Republican Party today would lecture the commissioner of the IRS about efficiency or organization or anything else,” Raskin said, before launching into his round-up on the “the GOP civil war in their own words.” As aides held up placards bearing the appropriate quotes behind him, the Maryland representative then gave voice to Rep. Steve Womack (“the world is burning around us”), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (“this conference is absolutely broken”), and Rep. David Joyce (“we’re a party that can’t govern”), among others.

Read more at The Daily Beast.