Reaction: UK lawmakers trigger confidence vote in Prime Minister May

LONDON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party on Wednesday triggered a confidence vote in her leadership after Britain's planned divorce from the European Union was plunged into chaos.


Environment Secretary Michael Gove

"I am backing the Prime Minister 100 percent - and I urge every Conservative MP to do the same. She is battling hard for our country and no one is better placed to ensure we deliver on the British people's decision to leave the EU."

International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt:

"The Prime Minister has my full support, not least because she has always done what she firmly believes is in the national interest. Our country needs us all to fight for a good deal and prepare for a no deal senario. All eyes and hands should be on that task."

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd:

"The PM has my full support. At this critical time we need to support and work with the PM to deliver on leaving the EU, & our domestic agenda - ambitious for improvements to people's lives & to build on growth of wages & jobs."

European Research Group Chairman Jacob Rees-Mogg and Deputy Chairman Steve Baker:

"Theresa May's plan would bring down the government if carried forward. But our Party will rightly not tolerate it. Conservatives must now answer whether they wish to draw ever closer to an election under Mrs May's leadership. In the national interest, she must go."

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt:

"I am backing @theresa_may tonight. Being PM most difficult job imaginable right now and the last thing the country needs is a damaging and long leadership contest. Brexit was never going to be easy but she is the best person to make sure we actually leave the EU on March 29."

Home Secretary Sajid Javid:

"The last thing our country needs right now is a Conservative Party leadership election. Will be seen as self-indulgent and wrong. PM has my full support and is best person to ensure we leave EU on 29 March"

Housing, Communities and Local Govt Secretary James Brokenshire:

"Strongly support @theresa_may to continue as Leader of @Conservatives and Prime Minister. Now is not the time for this distraction and even more uncertainty. We need to get behind the Prime Minister in the best interests of our country."

(Reporting by Paul Sandle, editing by Andy Bruce)