Relatives say snow plough driver in Total CEO plane crash never drinks -lawyer

The wreckage of what is believed to be Christophe de Margerie's Dassault Falcon jet is seen at Moscow's Vnukovo airport, October 21, 2014. REUTERS/Maxim Zmeyev

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The driver of a snow plough involved in the plane crash that killed the chief executive of French oil major Total denies he is guilty and relatives say he never drinks, his lawyer said on Tuesday. Russia's Investigative Committee said Vladimir Martynenko was in a condition of alcoholic intoxication when the snow plough he was driving was in a collision with the private jet carrying Christophe de Margerie. "He (Martynenko) is in shock. He considers himself guiltless as he followed all the instructions from the dispatcher," lawyer Alexander Karabanov told Reuters. He said his client would appeal against what the lawyer called the official version that Martynenko "was in a condition of alcoholic intoxication". "According to his relatives, he was sober in the morning and he doesn't drink at all due to chronic heart disease. Relatives are afraid that the airport authorities are just trying to make him ultimately responsible to avoid billions in lawsuits which are for sure to follow," Karabanov said. (Reporting by Maria Tsvetkova,; Writing by Katya Golubkova, Editing by Timothy Heritage)