'Remember them' and presenter 'missing in Greece'

Remember them, reads the Metro
For a number of Friday's front pages images of Thursday's 80th anniversary of D-Day feature prominently. With a striking silhouetted image taken on a beach in Normandy, the Metro has the headline: "At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them." [BBC]
They did not flinch, reads the Daily Express
The Daily Express focuses on the D-Day commemorations, with the headline "They did not flinch". [BBC]
The front page of the Sun
The Sun has gone for a quote from Prince William for its coverage of D-Day, including his remarks that "it's almost impossible to grasp the courage it would have taken to run into the fury of battle that day". [BBC]
Mail health guru Michael Mosley missing in Greece, reads the Daily Mail
The Daily Mail leads on the search for missing TV presenter Michael Mosley. Its headline describes Mosley, who writes a column for the paper, as its "health guru". The paper reports the 67-year-old "vanished during a walk on a Greek island". [BBC]
In the footsteps of heroes, reads the Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph leads on D-Day, but its second main story on the front page is about the forthcoming Labour Party manifesto which it says includes a commitment "to recognising a Palestinian state before peace talks are over". The story is based on reporting from the Daily Mirror and Guardian. [BBC]
Pressure on Tories to return £15m donations after new Hester claims, reads the Guardian
The Guardian has an exclusive on Frank Hester, a major Tory donor. It has spoken to a number of people who have worked with him and claim he made a number of offensive comments. The allegations were put to Mr Hester by the paper, who did not respond. [BBC]
PM ditches D-Day reads the Mirror
"PM ditches D-Day" is the headline in the Mirror, reporting that the prime minister "skipped a major D-Day ceremony in Normandy... then recorded an ITV interview back home". [BBC]
Green antisemitism storm, reads the front of the Times
A story about a dossier on alleged antisemitism in the Green Party is the lead in the Times. The party said the allegations are “serious and are being treated as such”. [BBC]
Reform surges again as new polls show Farage effect reads the i
And with a different general election story, the i reports on a surge in polling numbers for the Reform Party ahead of leader Nigel Farage's appearance in a televised debate on Friday evening. [BBC]
ECB cuts rates for first time in 5 years after inflation eases, reads the Financial Times
We agree with Nigel reads the Daily Star
And finally, the Daily Star has the headline "We agree with Nigel", praising a pensioner with a rather dismissive opinion of politicians. [BBC]

Almost all of the front pages carry images of the D-Day commemorations in Normandy.

The Daily Express pictures the King wiping away a tear. Royal Marines are shown wading ashore as they retraced the steps of their 1944 predecessors, in a wraparound cover of the Sun.

The Daily Telegraph highlights a tribute to the 23,000 Allied troops who parachuted behind enemy lines 80 years ago; the hundreds of paras who re-enacted the jump yesterday, the paper says, faced nothing more hostile than French border officials, standing by to inspect their travel documents.

But the Daily Mirror's headline is "PM ditches D-Day" - as it claims Rishi Sunak skipped a major ceremony with world leaders in Normandy, to record a TV interview.

The paper says the prime minister has been "blasted" by "furious military figures" - including the former Army Colonel Richard Kemp who says the prime minister "should have been there" to show gratitude to those who fell.

The Mirror says No 10 and Conservative bosses declined to comment.

The Guardian reports that the Conservatives are under growing pressure to return donations from the businessman Frank Hester, after some employees made fresh claims that he had made inappropriate comments about race at work.

One tells the paper he used a mock Chinese accent in front of colleagues with a Chinese background. The Guardian says it has put the allegations to Frank Hester and he has not responded.

A Conservative spokesperson says the party considers the matter resolved, because Mr Hester has previously apologised for comments about Diane Abbott.

Britain's King Charles speaks to a D-Day veteran during a lunch following the UK national commemorative event for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, held at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, June 6, 2024.

The Times says it has uncovered examples of Green Party election candidates sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories online.

One is said to have posted that Israel may have "engineered" the attacks by Hamas on 7 October. The paper's handed a dossier to the Greens; a spokesman is quoted as saying the party is taking the allegations seriously.

The Mirror and the Guardian report that Labour's election manifesto will include a commitment on Palestinian statehood.

Labour sources explain there will be a pledge to recognise a Palestinian state before the end of any peace process, and to prevent such a move from being vetoed by a neighbouring country.

The Guardian says Labour is hoping the wording will help recover some ground among Muslim and progressive voters who have become disillusioned with the party's foreign policy in recent months.

A Labour Party spokesman says it did not comment on leaks.

"How Could He Have Vanished Into Thin Air?" asks the Daily Mail as it leads on the search on a Greek island, for the broadcaster Michael Mosley, who is a columnist for the paper.

Local officials are quoted describing the temperature on the island of Symi as "unbearable", on the day he went missing. The Mail says a "huge operation" is under way to find Mr Mosley, with a special police dog unit arriving on Friday.

The Telegraph picks up on a study by Oxford University researchers, which suggests the Viagra pill could in future help prevent dementia.

The drug treats erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow and the scientists found evidence this also occurs in blood vessels in the brain - though they say larger trials are needed.

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