Republican Lawmaker Denounced Spending Bill, Then Things Got Awkward For Him

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) said he stood opposed to the omnibus spending bill on Friday ― before a Democrat told the House floor that Higgins’ own legislation was included in the $1.7 trillion package.

Higgins was one of the scores of House Republicans who declared their opposition to the bill, which is set to fund the federal government through September and is expected to arrive in front of President Joe Biden for his signature.

Other GOP opponents of the spending package included House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), as well as 13 current and future House lawmakers who denounced the bill in a letter endorsed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

In his remarks, Higgins claimed that Americans are “cold and hungry and feel betrayed” by the House over the bill.

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) responded with an awkward revelation for the Republican.

“I think I should tell the gentleman who just spoke that, I’m told that his veterans bill is actually in the omnibus. He’s got a bill in this omnibus,” McGovern said.

The Massachusetts Democrat then asked how many House Republicans would be speaking after Higgins.

“Thank God,” said McGovern, after he heard there would be no more speakers.

You can watch McGovern’s response to Higgins below.
