Review: The Gigolo

Let's face it: if you're buying tickets to this film, plot isn't exactly going to be what you're after. That in itself speaks about the nature of Asian-made adult films - there is yet to be any breakthrough film that manages to deal with the conservative nuances of our society's views on sex with class and grace (perhaps Lust, Caution?). So yes, The Gigolo is going to be that sort of loud, in-your-face, raunchy film. And if you needed any confirmation, the huge penis caricature that appears in the opening scenes complete with tacky music will make sure this fact is cemented firmly in your brain.

And so writer/director Au Cheuk-Man's film unfolds over the demise of Ho Kui-Fung (Dominic Ho)'s academic pursuits in school, as he begins a career at the gigolo club owned by cousin Hung (Elena Kong). Building his way up through a series of serious serial affection lavished upon by club regulars Yoyo (Hazel Tong) and Michelle (Candy Yuen), Ho soon encounters a real chance at proper relationship building with the arrival of love interest Chloe (Jeana Ho), a misfit in her own right.

Au doesn't really hold back at all - a masterful satirist of his countrymen's shortcomings, his scenes cut into the absurdist nature of the adult industry with terrific aplomb. Yet look carefully and you can spot glimpses of compassion and moments of actual sincerity amidst the debauchery and laughter. Dominic Ho is perfect in the lead role, eschewing sheer masculinity for a delicate persona that matches the 'lad in distress' vibe all too well.

But you're really here to read about the sex scenes, so for what it's worth - it's OK. Softcore at heart (it's Singapore after all, guys), there are enough oohs, aahs, breasts and full-body scenes to go around, but not enough to turn The Gigolo into real pornography.

Mightily dumb in its final act, The Gigolo is a film where you'd do best to leave your brains at the door. This is perfect for when you're not in the mood for glacial, emotionally-heavy films. The film pushes its metaphors above and beyond, and to that we say: you'll have a ball of a time trying to truly digest this one. - Thompson Wong