Roblox posts mixed first-quarter earnings results

Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley breaks down Roblox's Q1 revenue miss.

Video transcript

- All right. Shifting gears and talking earnings now. The mini metaverse of Roblox reporting after the bell amid more than 75% stock decline year-to-date. The stock is up in after hours. Let's get our Dan Howley in now with a breakdown. Dan.

DAN HOWLEY: That's right. We saw Roblox with a miss on revenue here. They came in at $631.2 million on bookings. Bookings is essentially how video game companies add up revenue. It's what you get from immediate sales and then continuing sales. They were expecting-- Wall Street was expecting $633.3 million. So a slight miss there. But the big deal here is that bookings decreased 3.1% year-over-year.

So that's a problem for the company. They had a loss of $0.27 per share. Users, however, hit Wall Street expectations of 54.1 million. That's up 28% year-over-year. And you can tell that the stock really bouncing all over the place. It was just up 6%, now it's down less than 1%. So obviously, investors are trying to digest what's going on here with this company.

- All right. Thank you so much. Dan Howley there, reporting for us.