Ronna McDaniel Responds To Fox Anchor's Question Blaming Trump In Tetchiest Way

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel appeared not to enjoy Fox Business host Stuart Varney’s line of questioning on whether Donald Trump is to blame for the GOP’s poor performance in the 2022 midterm elections.

“Would you publicly say Donald Trump bears any responsibility for some of the losses in the midterm elections? Would you say that publicly?” Varney, once a staunch supporter of the former president, asked McDaniel on Monday.

“You know, I don’t like this. I don’t like this parceling out,” McDaniel fired back, noting that some Trump-endorsed candidates won.

Many conservatives have blamed Trump for the GOP’s poor showing in the midterms, led by defeats of Trump-backed contenders in major Senate and governor races.

“Here is the one thing I think people should be talking about, the amount of ticket-splitting — the amount of Republicans that went out and voted for a Republican at the top of the ticket,” McDaniel continued. “Look at Arizona. The top vote-getter is a Republican. Look at Georgia. We had eight of nine statewide races won by Republicans. But why are Republicans voting for one Republican and not the other?”

Varney answered: “Trump. Isn’t that the answer to your question? You actually posed a question. The answer is Trump, isn’t it?”

McDaniel, now facing multiple challenges to her GOP leadership role, refused to agree.

“I’m saying, I’m not into the blame game right now,” she replied. “I think we got to do analysis. I think it is too quick.”
