New round of Iran nuclear talks this week -EU

Negotiators of Iran and six world powers face each other at a table in the historic basement of Palais Coburg hotel in Vienna April 24, 2015. REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A new round of nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers will begin this week after a meeting starting on Wednesday in Vienna between Iranian negotiators and a senior EU official, the European Commission said on Tuesday. "EU Political Director Helga Schmid and her Iranian counterparts Deputy Foreign Ministers Abbas Araghchi and Madjid Takht Ravanchi will meet again, beginning as of Wednesday, June 17 in Vienna," the EU executive said in a statement. Iran and the group of six -- the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany -- reached a framework nuclear deal on April 2 in Lausanne. They aim for a final agreement by June 30 under which Iran would restrain its nuclear programme in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. (Reporting by Foo Yun Chee; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)