‘It was a rubbish year’: Alan Carr says comedy probably saved him from a breakdown after divorce

Alan Carr has spoken out about facing recent difficulties in his personal life, claiming that comedy was likely the thing that saved him from having a breakdown.

In January, the comedian announced that he and his husband Paul Drayton would be separating.

The former couple married in 2018 but had been together for a total of 13 years. As well as this, Carr’s much-loved dog, Bev, died in May.

According to the former Chatty Man host, the combination of both events took a significant toll on his emotional state.

“The marriage had ended, the divorce came through and then the dog died,” Carr told Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine. “It was a rubbish year.”

Writing comedy sets proved to be a challenge for him amid his personal issues; he said: “It was like nailing blancmange to the wall, like the tectonic plates of my relationship were shifting. Then Bev was slowly fading.”

Carr then went on to explain that these difficult events were having an effect on his stand-up comedy performances, but felt the support from his audiences.

Alan Carr (PA Archive)
Alan Carr (PA Archive)

“I know it sounds silly but, yes, there were times I'd stand in the wings and just shake and think I couldn't go on,” he said.

“I think the audience sensed that too. There was like an extra cheer from them, a 'Go on, Alan'. I needed that."

Carr added: “I didn't have a breakdown, no. I don't want to say I did because I didn't. But comedy probably stopped me having a breakdown.”

The comedian will front the More4 show, Alan Carr’s Adventures With Agatha Christie, from Sunday 14 August.