Ruling party defeated in Saint Kitts and Nevis after 20-year reign

By David Adams (Reuters) - An opposition alliance has won parliamentary elections in Saint Kitts and Nevis, ending the former ruling party's 20-year reign over the small Caribbean twin island nation. Prime Minister Denzil Douglas, who has led the country since 1995, conceded defeat on behalf of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Labour Party on Tuesday afternoon, offering his congratulations to a three-party opposition coalition called Team Unity. Official results from Monday's election have yet to be announced, but Team Unity said it won at least seven of the country's 11 parliamentary seats. "Today is a great day!! Team UNITY has won the general election," Prime Minister-elect Timothy Harris wrote in an official statement on the coalition's Facebook page. Saint Kitts and Nevis is one of the smallest independent countries in the world with only 54,000 inhabitants. Team Unity alliance is comprised of the People's Action Movement, the Concerned Citizens Movement, and the People's Labour Party. (Reporting by David Adams in Miami; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)