Russia criticises UK decision to cancel Johnson visit to Moscow

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson answers a question during a joint press conference with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias (not pictured) following their meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Athens, Greece, April 6, 2017. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The decision by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to cancel a visit to Moscow later this month shows a lack of understanding of events in Syria, Russia's foreign ministry said on Sunday. Johnson cancelled the visit, scheduled for April 10, after a poison gas attack in a rebel-held area of Syria prompted the United States to launch missile strikes against a Syrian airbase. The Russian ministry said the decision to cancel the visit showed once more that there was little to gain from talking to Britain, which it said had no real influence over world affairs. (Reporting by Alexander Winning, editing by Larry King)