Russia deploys latest S-500 air defense systems to Crimea, HUR says


The Russian military has stationed some if its cutting-edge S-500 air defense assets in occupied Crimea, Ukrainian Defense Intelligence (HUR) chief Kyrylo Budanov told Ukrainian TV broadcasters on June 12.

According to Budanov, Russia is attempting to plug the gaps in anti-air defenses in Crimea that were made by previous Ukrainian drone and missile strikes.

“We have seen the latest S-500 elements appear in [occupied Crimea],” he said.

“This will be quite an experimental application. But they are already there.”

He added the illegally constructed Crimean Bridge continues to transport Russial military cargo, primarily personnel.

"The Kerch Bridge is always in use…; most of the cargo transported through it consists primarily of [Russian army] personnel," said Budanov.

Read also: Ukraine hits Russian S-300 and S-400 missile systems in Crimea

Moscow announced the start of production of the S-500 Prometheus missile and air defense systems in June 2019.

In 2021, Russian Deputy PM Yuri Borisov claimed that the S-500 system was being mass-produced.

According to open-source information, the S-500 represents a new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems designed to track and intercept ballistic and aerodynamic targets separately.

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