Russia says integration of post-Soviet region is strategic goal

Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov takes part in the Reuters Investment Summit in Moscow September 23, 2013. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin/Files

ST PETERSBURG Russia (Reuters) - A senior Russian minister said on Friday Moscow's strategic goal is the integration of the post-Soviet region and those who oppose this could not be considered partners. "This is our strategic goal," First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, and he said he did not understand why the United States opposed those efforts. "It is necessary to create an attitude abroad that all those who are against our goal, they are not our friends, not our partners. Those are people who are trying to destroy the basis of our economic strength." (Reporting by Darya Korsunskaya; Writing by Maria Kiselyova and Lidia Kelly; Editing by Mark Heinrich)