Russia says Kiev should extend east Ukraine special status law to 2020

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Borys Gryzlov, Russia's envoy to an international working group on the conflict in eastern Ukraine, said on Tuesday that Kiev should extend until 2020 a policy granting special status to that region, known as Donbass, Interfax news agency reported.

"The law on the special status of Donbass expires on Dec. 31, 2019," Gryzlov was cited as saying following a meeting of the working group in Minsk on Tuesday.

"The Russian delegation called on Kiev to extend this law, and also to start a dialogue with Donbass representatives ... about amendments to this law required for the implementation of the Steinmeier formula," Gryzlov was cited as saying.

Last month Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said that a plan known as the Steinmeier formula to provide special status for the Donbass region and hold elections there should be written into Ukrainian law.

(Writing by Polina Ivanova; Editing by Matthias Williams)