Russia says likely to curb Ukraine imports over EU pact

By Gabriela Baczynska and Alastair Macdonald BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Russia is likely to penalise Ukrainian imports from January after EU-brokered talks failed to find a compromise on Tuesday, exactly a month before the launch of an EU-Ukraine free trade pact that Russia opposes. "It is a very probable scenario that there will not be an agreement before Jan. 1 and the non-preferential trade regime will be introduced," Russian Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev told reporters after the talks in Brussels, saying that existing preferential treatment of Ukrainian imports would probably end. After the latest round of negotiations, the three parties agreed to keep talking. But time is running out before Ukraine and the European Union drop mutual trade barriers under a deal that has been at the root of wider confrontation with Moscow. "The clock is ticking very, very fast," said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom after hosting the meeting. She stressed that Ukraine and the European Union would not heed Russian calls for them to amend their agreement or, following more than a year's delay, put off its implementation any longer. "On Jan. 1, the DCFTA will enter into force," she said, adding she was willing to continue trying to address Russian concerns into the new year, but only if Moscow did not take retaliatory measures. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin criticised Russian negotiators for delivering new demands on Tuesday, some of which he said were "unacceptable". The Ukrainian government says that two years of conflict with Moscow, initially triggered by Kiev's trade negotiations with its Western neighbours, have already run down Ukraine's exports to its former Soviet partner, reducing the impact of sanctions in the form of a loss of favoured nation status. Malmstrom told reporters that technical teams from the three parties could meet again as early as next week and spoke of a willingness to look seriously at issues Russia has raised, including veterinary standards and customs data-sharing. But she noted the trade dispute was part of a broader political confrontation between Moscow and Western powers and said it was not clear there was the political will to resolve it. Ukrainian wavering over whether to sign the EU trade accord in late 2013 fuelled protests that toppled the pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovich, leading to Russia's annexation of Crimea and a revolt by pro-Russia separatists in the east. Russia opposes the Ukraine-EU deal, saying it could lead to a flood of European imports across its own borders and damage the competitiveness of Russian exports to Ukraine. (Additional reporting by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Alastair Macdonald and Tom Heneghan)