Russian delegates will not attend oil experts meeting on Monday – agencies

The OPEC logo is seen outside their headquarters in Vienna, Austria, October 24, 2016. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger/Files

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian energy ministry officials will not travel to Vienna for a meeting of experts from OPEC and other oil-producing countries scheduled for Monday, the RIA and TASS news agencies reported on Saturday, citing a diplomatic source. An oil industry source told Reuters on Saturday a final decision had still not been reached on whether to attend the event, which precedes the ministerial meeting between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers as well as the regular biannual OPEC meeting. On Friday, top OPEC oil exporter Saudi Arabia told the producer group it will not attend talks on Monday with non-OPEC producers to discuss limiting supply, OPEC sources said, as it wants to focus on getting a consensus within the organisation first. (Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin; Editing by Helen Popper)