Russian police free gay rights campaigner Tatchell: activist's foundation

Veteran British LGBT rights campaigner Peter Tatchell is detained by police officers during a one-man protest to draw attention to what he said were appalling human rights abuses committed against gay men in Chechnya, in central Moscow, Russia June 14, 2018. REUTERS/Glab Garanich

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell was released by Russian police on Thursday after being detained during a one-man protest in Moscow, his foundation said on social media.

Tatchell had attempted to hold a protest to draw attention to what he said were appalling human rights abuses committed against gay men in Chechnya.

The police said they would charge him with breaking the law on holding public protests.

(Reporting by Polina Devitt; Writing by Maria Tsvetkova; Editing by Andrew Osborn)