Rapper at ‘almost naked party’ jailed in Russia as part of Putin anti-gay crackdown

 Anastasia Ivleeva, aka Nastya Ivleeva, and pop star Filipp Kirkorov at the party in Moscow that led to rapper Vacio being jailed  (Nastya Ivleeva /Instagram)
Anastasia Ivleeva, aka Nastya Ivleeva, and pop star Filipp Kirkorov at the party in Moscow that led to rapper Vacio being jailed (Nastya Ivleeva /Instagram)

A Russian rapper has been jailed after attending an “almost naked” party in a Moscow nightclub as Vladimir Putin cracks down on gay rights.

TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva, also known as Nastya Ivleeva, threw a private “Almost Naked Party” at Moscow’s Mutabor nightclub on 20 December, which went viral after pictures began circulating on social media.

Nikolai Vasilyev, a rapper known as Vacio who attended wearing only a sock to “protect his modesty”, was jailed for 15 days and fined 200,000 roubles (£1,716) for promoting “non-traditional sexual relations”.

The arrest of Mr Vasilyev and the alleged fraud charges against Ms Ivleeva are seen as part of a wider Kremlin crackdown on LGBT+ rights across Russia.

The party, attended by pop stars and celebrities in very little clothing and drag, proved controversial among Russians at a time when the country is at war with Ukraine and the authorities are pushing an increasingly conservative social agenda.

In recent years, Mr Putin has doubled down on social conservatism, urging families to have eight or more children at the same time as targeting the LGBT+ community with brutal sanctions.

A subdued Ms Ivleeva appeared on social media to issue an apology. “Was it inappropriate to film footage that went viral? Yes, it was 100 per cent highly inappropriate. I’m sorry that happened and that it couldn’t be controlled,” she said in a video shared on her Instagram page with over 18 million followers.

In a tearful second video uploaded on Wednesday, she said she regretted her actions and deserved everything she got but hoped she could be given “a second chance”.

Ms Ivleeva, who attended the party wearing jewellery worth 23 million roubles (£195,968) at a time when many Russians are struggling to get by, said she planned to donate part of the proceeds from the party to charity.

Russian authorities have opened a tax investigation against her that carries a potential five-year jail term, and a Moscow court has accepted a lawsuit from a group of individuals demanding she pay a billion roubles (£8.51m) for “moral suffering”.

Pop star Filipp Kirkorov also apologised earlier this week for being “irresponsible” by attending the party and added: “There are moments in everyone’s life when you walk through the wrong door.”

Veteran singer Lolita said she was surprised by the public fury, adding that her concerts were being cancelled and appearances in pre-recorded New Year’s Eve TV shows edited out, Moscow Times reported.