Russia's Putin calls for end to fighting in east Ukraine - TASS

Russia's President Vladimir Putin speaks at the gala concert marking the opening of the Year of Literature in Russia at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, January 28, 2015. REUTERS/Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA Novosti/Kremlin

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is "extremely concerned" over the situation in east Ukraine and has called on rival sides to end the fighting, TASS news agency quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Monday. Pro-Russian rebels in east Ukraine were pounding the positions of Kiev forces holding a strategic rail town in east Ukraine with rockets on Monday, as both sides press ahead with the mobilisation of more forces for combat. [ID:nL6N0VC10Z] (Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Hugh Lawson)