Samsung’s Smartwatch Patent Has Pictures Which Look Exactly Like An Apple Watch


A new Samsung smartwatch patent has been found to contain drawings of the Apple Watch.

In a patent filed in January, but only just made public, the Korean tech giant included drawings that look practically identical to the Apple’s techie timepiece, reports Business Insider.

The distinctive side-mounted ‘digital crown’ button, heart rate monitor and wrist straps found on the Apple Watch have all been reproduced in the patent, almost exactly matching promotional images found on Apple’s website.


The drawings appear to be exact copies of images from Apple’s website (USPTO)

While the pictures are just there for illustrative purposes, they hint at the degree to which Samsung is taking inspiration from its rival.

The patent describes a method for attaching wrist straps to the ‘Wearable Device’, something which sounds incredibly similar to the way that the Apple Watch’s wristbands are swapped in and out.

Samsung and Apple have had lots of disputes over patents in the past, predominantly over smartphone designs, and it looks as the though smartwatches could be next.

Image credit: USPTO