Samuel L Jackson isn't sure why Nick Fury wasn't in Civil War

samuel l jackson as nick fury
Samuel L Jackson on Nick Fury's Civil War absenceDisney

Samuel L Jackson has admitted he was as confused as everyone else as to why Nick Fury wasn't in Captain America: Civil War.

Despite being at the core of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the SHIELD Director was nowhere to be found in the 2016 ensemble movie.

Speaking to Empire about his absence, Jackson said: "I was trying to figure out where I was during Civil War, when the kids were fighting and I wasn't there to say, 'Everybody go to your room'."

samuel l jackson as nick fury

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Noting his further absence throughout most of Avengers: Endgame, the star added: "Where was I during Endgame? It's harder for me not to be there, than be there."

The star previously addressed his no-show in Civil War, telling the Happy Sad Confused podcast in 2019: "Has [Fury] been used wisely? Yeah, except for things like Civil War.

"If all the Avengers are f**king fighting each other, where’s their guardian? Where’s that dude who comes in and goes 'Alright, everybody go to your rooms. I’ll be in there to talk to you in a minute'?

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Kayla Oaddams - Getty Images

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"Either he’s the guy who brought them together and he’s the glue, or he’s not. So, I felt a way about that."

Speaking to the LA Times in 2016, co-writer Christopher Markus explained of their decision to not include Fury: "Primarily it felt like one too many possible opinions. We didn’t want him to take one side or the other, because that’s not his place in the universe.

"And then we didn’t want another, 'Is he still with the government? Is he opposed to the government but supporting the government?' It got to be the potential for a lot more polemic discussion that the movie did not have room for.

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Marvel Studios - Disney+

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"He’s the guy who put it together. He’s been the sort of parent figure to the Avengers. Let the parent go away, and see if the kids can handle this. See if the kids can be who they’re supposed to be without that governing voice. Um... and they didn’t do that good of a job."

Thankfully, fans will be getting plenty more Fury in new Disney+ series Secret Invasion, which is due to premiere next month.

Secret Invasion will be released on June 21, streaming on Disney+.

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