Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, praises 'kind' King Charles

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, praises 'kind' King Charles

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, loves how "kind" King Charles is.

The 64-year-old author - who was previously married to the monarch's brother, Prince Andrew - "loves" the fact the 75-year-old royal is devoted to his grandchildren and wasn't surprised that his wife Queen Camilla had spoken out to praise his hands-on attitude to family life.

Speaking on 'This Morning' on Monday (20.11.23), host Alison Hammond said: “Camilla says that Charles is a hands-on grandfather who will get down on his knees, crawl around with the children for an hour, making funny noises and laughing.”

The duchess - who was guest editing the programme - agreed: “He is such a kind man, they both are. Both the King and Queen.

“They are very kind - they both love their grandchildren and I love that.”

Former Conservative MP Gyles Brandreth is a friend of the royal family and he has seen the "easy" relationship the king has with the youngsters in the household up close.

He said: “The king is my role model.

“I have seen the king with his grandchildren and indeed his step-grandchildren and he is very easy with them.

“He is a very amusing person, and he loves playing with them and they love playing with him.”

Previously, Sarah - whose father, the late Major Ronald Ferguson, played polo with the king - recalled getting tongue-tied around Charles, who was then Prince of Wales, when they met for the first time.

Writing in her 1996 autobiography 'My Story', she recalled: “Given Dads’ polo connections, my orbit continued to intersect the Royal Family’s every now and again.

“It was a normal part of my life, until I reached the age of self-consciousness and promptly got intimidated.

“I will never forget the first time I met the Prince of Wales at a Guards Polo Club drinks party.

“I was 18 years old, and by the time Dads introduced us I was so fevered with anticipation that my tongue felt too big for my mouth.

“I had it all planned out; I would talk to Charles about the mountains, something a prince would find interesting.

“But now that he was here, in the flesh, I blurted out something about rabbits – totally and utterly inapposite.

“I could have gratefully died at that moment.

“I wanted to vanish into the wall.”