Saudi Arabia says it backs Syria opposition, talks or no talks

RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said the kingdom would support the Syrian opposition whether it stays in peace talks in Geneva or not, he told a news conference with his Turkish counterpart on Sunday. Jubeir said the talks should focus on "a transfer of power away from Bashar al-Assad...a new constitution and new elections, and a new Syria in which Bashar al-Assad has no role to play. "That's what the Syrian opposition went to negotiate for. We support them if they choose not to negotiate. We support them if they choose to negotiate," he added. Regarding Turkey's shooting down of a Russian plane taking part in operations in Syria on Nov. 24, Jubeir said: "We support Turkey's right to defend its territory in the ways it sees fit." (Reporting By Katie Paul; Writing by Noah Browning; Editing by Dominic Evans)