Saudi king says setting up centre to coordinate Yemen humanitarian work

Saudi King Salman attends the opening meeting of the Arab Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, in the South Sinai governorate, south of Cairo, March 28, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer/Files

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman announced on Tuesday the establishment of a centre to coordinate humanitarian assistance for Yemen, and invited the United Nations to join in relief work for the Arab country. "We hope that the United Nations will participate effectively with what this centre will shoulder, including coordinating all humanitarian and relief works for the Yemeni people with the participation of the countries that are supporting the Gulf initiative," he said in a speech at the start of a summit of Arab heads of state in Riyadh carried live by the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya channel. (Reporting by Ahmed Tolba in Cairo, writing by Sami Aboudi, Editing by William Maclean and Andrew Heavens)