The science of happiness revealed in new study: Tech & Science Daily podcast

 (Unsplash / Fuu J)
(Unsplash / Fuu J)

New research from the University of Bristol has found that we can actually learn to be happy, but we only get lasting benefits if we work at it.

Bruce Hood, professor of developmental psychology at the uni, and senior author of the study, launched a course called ‘The Science of Happiness’ around five years ago which was aimed at raising mental wellbeing in students.

As part of the course they gave out several self report measures to assess whether there had been any impact, and used the findings to help wider research about happiness in the population.

The study shows practices such as gratitude, acts of kindness, or meditation can help, but the key is keeping it up.

Is the US about to ban TikTok? The US house of representatives has passed a Bill that could lead to a nationwide ban of the platform if its China-based owner does not sell.

Members of Congress acted on concerns that the company’s ownership structure is a national security threat. The Bill now goes to the Senate, where its prospects are unclear.

SpaceX is launching its Starship rocket in a huge test of its ambitions to send humans to Mars.

Two previous attempts to fly the uncrewed rocket from Texas to Hawaii both ended in high-altitude explosions.

And the rest

Menopause ‘may explain why some female whales live decades longer than others’, scientists warn more research needed on effects of Wim Hof Method, and a wildlife trust plans a rebrand for slugs and snails.

Plus, the absolute worst time of day according to science.

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