Scotland's leader quips about Donald Trump's penchant for Irn Bru

Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, speaks at a Reuters Newsmaker event, in London, Britain May 14, 2018. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls

LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland's leader on Monday weighed into row over the banning of Irn Bru, Scotland's most popular soft drink, in Donald Trump’s luxury golf resort, quipping that she was sure the U.S. president liked the luminous orange drink.

"I'm pretty sure Donald Trump is a lover of Irn Bru," Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said at an event at Thomson Reuters in London.

"He is very keen to proclaim his Scottish connections, his mother was born on the Scottish islands, so I'm sure he likes Irn Bru," Sturgeon said with a smile.

The reported ban on Irn Bru ban at Trump Turnberry, a sprawling estate on the west coast of Scotland with dramatic sea views, caused a furore in Scotland.

(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; editing by Alistair Smout)